A place to discover poetry and stories inspired by Gods Way of Love

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 4 of the 7 day fast

The better it gets ... the better it gets !

Again I woke this morning at 04:30am, and again I was wide AWAKE. My headache had totally gone, and my body was feeling really light and strong, I felt as If that I was not fasting. I went back to sleep and got out of bed at 06:00am. I skipped my morning juice as I was running a little late to work, so I downed a pint of water. At work through out the morning I was feeling really calm and productive. I was not fatigued at all and the morning past really quick. Again it was hot sunshine so I could benefit from the light.

Mid morning, I got a little emotional and I have to admit (the man that I am) that I had a little cry. An emotional release, showing how fasting also cleanse the soul. It felt really clearing to do so, and then I felt much more peaceful and joyful .. HAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

I slept through my lunch break for an hour, and again skipped my green juice, so I think this was the reason for my energy dip mid afternoon, I felt quite slow and light headed.

I got to catch a juice late afternoon, and as I write this blog, I am feeling really centred and confident that this fast is going really well, and that my will power will continue. I am actually looking forward to feel how I feel on day 7, as it seems to be getting easier, although anything could change. I would say actually that my calf's and hamstrings are a little tight, this is something that I remember happening on previous fasts, but in the past it was worse by now. This is giving me the indication that I am cleaner this time around.

My weight today is 71kg so I have gained a kilo since yesterday somehow !

Tonight I am going to talk about the ' Secret of Nutrition' so I am interested to know what will be discussed.

Summary of today 'Started super charged, Then a slight dip, Finishing as strong as a bull ( I'm a Taurus)

Keeping up with the theme of this week, I introduce to you my feelings of today expressed by youtube ;)

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