A place to discover poetry and stories inspired by Gods Way of Love

Monday, June 21, 2010

1st day of 7 day juice fast

After the false start last week, I'm now up and on my way into my week of Spiritual fasting. What a great day to start on the Mid summer solstice. A day of high vibrational light activity, the longest day of the year, and a great day to start anew, make new intentions, set new goals, clearly see your vision and offer yourself to God, LETTING GO... to the divinely un folding of your life.

This week I am fasting from solid food. My in take will be 'Green Juice' water and herbal tea.

So today I completed my first day fasting...

How do I feel ? Well, 2 hours ago I was feeling quite frustrated and and irritated. SO I got myself onto the Yoga Matt and stretched all the tension out of me ... AND NOW ... I feel peaceful and inspired.

I worked today from 7am til 4:30pm in my Biodynamic garden, and Im really pleased that I didn't get fatigued at all. Maybe I will be tired over the next few days, normally the 3rd day of fasting is when MOST of the toxins are released into the blood stream, waiting to be cleaned out of the system. I did have a slight headache,although after my head stand for 7 minutes on the yoga Matt it went away. SO on the whole I am feeling pretty strong. I have not thought about food that much although I'm ready for last green juice of the day, before going to bed early (9pm).I have only had 2 green juices today and a shot of wheat grass, and mostly drank water. My body weight today was 74kg. This will probably drop a little but not to much, as I have fasted a few times before, so most of the BULK of my long term toxins have been rejuvenated already. My first fast I lost 20kg over the period of 2 months ...I had alot of waste to get rid of.For more info and inspiration, check back to last weeks post on fasting and watch the youtube clip...

I like posting youtube clips, for I feel they create a certain mood. This clip I am posting now, is how I am feeling right now, REALLY LISTEN to the words, as they remind me of what It feels like to fast. I really loved the movie and the sound track is really moving ... I will write more tomorrow, to let you know how I am getting a long ... Today's summary is " So far ~ So good "

1 comment:

  1. I love this song, it's so bittersweet. Did a two day green juice fast this weekend...felt good, wish I could have done it longer. Looking forward to hearing how you go!
