A place to discover poetry and stories inspired by Gods Way of Love

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Surrendering to Love

My favorite poet by far is Kahil Gibran. I have read his poems over and over and I never get bored of them. They bring new meaning to me every time. He writes a lot about 'Love', but most importantly he writes from a place of Love, and that's why I never get bored of his poems, because love is never boring, Love is forever changing, it is forever rejuvenating, and it is forever growing. Love, 'always gives' us the chance to learn like children ... the chance to explore the depths of our souls, and a chance to commit to the intensity of every relationship, whether that be with another human, with ourselves or the whole Universe with everything in it and beyond ... Love has no boundaries and is all encompassing.

Love hurts they say ... if you have ever been in love, then I am sure you have experienced pain ... "For even as loves crowns you, so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning" eloquently writes Kahil in his poem about love, taken from the book 'The Prophet'.

Some people avoid relationships all together, for the fear of feeling 'the pain' of what this so called love brings. So instead, they suffer in isolation, or they casually shrug 'I like being on my own'..." really ?" we frown. If you avoid relating with the world to avoid the pruning of love, then how is it you can be 'alone' yet still feel the blades of love cut deep ? It's because love continually tries to heal every single 'unloving' cell in your whole being in relation to 'yourself'. It never stops, and it never tires. Love will attempt to penetrate you until there is not a single ounce of doubt in your heart that Love certainly does exist. After while, Love will demonstrate to you, through the expression of your life that in fact  'Love does not hurt' ... But the 'Fight against Love hurts very much'. And Love, loves you so much, that It will never cease to prune you ... and the only way to stop the pain of loves clippers and grow with joy ... is to Surrender.

When we experience pain, we often blame the stimulus which provoked the pain. I'm hurting because my partner broke up with me, I'm hurting because I a have ill health, I am hurting because I have no money, I am hurting because my family don't understand me, I'm hurting because my children won't behave, I'm hurting because I don't have the house I want, I am hurting because my life is a mess ... I am hurting because because because ... But the Truth is ... the affliction we feel from these outside circumstances, stems from the pain which is 'already' embedded inside of us ... and Love, being love, desires to heal all of these angst's that we have ingrained within us. And so, the genius heart of Love uses everything in her power to show us where we need to learn more about love in order to heal our wounds, so that we may experience life with the greatest joy available.

With this in mind, we can now look at every painful event in our life as an 'opportunity to grow in love'. When I feel any kind of pain, no matter what the situation, no matter what I think the other person 'did to me' ... I can now stop myself before reacting, before blaming, and ask myself  these questions, 'What is Love trying to heal' ? 'What is Love trying to teach me about myself ? 'How can I use loves clippers to remove this thorn which has stabbed me in my flesh' ? 'What unloving emotion am I avoiding so much that I have to create great pain in order to notice it '? ' How can I be more accepting right now to help transform this pain into Love ? ... I could of course not ask these questions. I could pretend to not feel the pain, or I could insist that it was 'them' and 'not me' that caused this suffering. I could put a plaster on the cut and carry on with life with my scares. I could be like an ostrich and bury my head in the sand with denial ...  Yes, I can do all these things, but I won't be able to escape Loves patience for long, because soon enough, once again, the silver tongue of  my favorite poet will scribe the traits of love for me to learn...

'He grinds you to your whiteness,
 He kneads you until you are pliant,
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become the sacred bread for Gods sacred feast.
All these things shall Love do unto you until you know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of life's heart.'

Allowing Love into your life can be quite frightening. 'Love' herself is not intimidating, but the passion and commitment Love has in demonstrating to you where you are being  unloving can be quite traumatic ... for Love will undoubtedly 'show you' how you 'Truly' are ... If you desire to love as Love does, and that would be to love unconditionally, then Love with all her might will freely reveal to you all of the conditions you have placed upon her, in order that you may see and experience for yourself the difference between conditional and unconditional Love ... When you feel pain, your conditions were exposed ... When you feel joy, you experienced Loves knowing.

 You cannot bend the laws of Love, and Love will not help you bend them...Try as you may to fight against the Laws of Love, but you will not prevail... you can kick, punch, scream and rage against Loves door ... but Love has intelligently covered her door with a mirror, so like a boxer, you are able to see exactly how you duel. Love will only open the door and let you in her house when you act as lovingly as herself.

Patiently she will leave you on the door step if you demand to be let inside. She will reflect her mirror willingly at you, and with all her heart will devotionally flood her feelings of love upon you. The more you kick, the more you break, the more punch, the more you bleed,  the louder you scream, the more deaf you become,  the more rage you project, the more damage to your soul ... Loves patience will eventually out power your struggle, and eventually you will tire, eventually you will become exhausted, eventually you will drop to your knees, eventually you will unclench your fists and open your palms, eventually will you 'tap out' and open your heart, eventually you 'Will' Surrender ...

Upon Surrender, all doors are opened ... and all love floods in. Now that you have stopped kicking, she can get close to you, now you have stopped punching she can hold you in her arms and cradle you, now that you have stopped screaming you can hear her affectionate words of love and forgiveness, now that you have stopped raging you can feel the warmth of her love embody you and receive the tenderness you need. Now that you have softened with surrender you may share this love with others. Like a mirror you journey, reflecting as loves messenger for others to see themselves in you... Maybe others will also be brought to their knees in your presence, allowing for you to flood their hearts will love, allowing them to heal their pain, allowing them to surrender, allowing them to be kneaded like bread without the fear of judgment, for they recognise you are not shy of putting yourself into the sacred fire, for Gods sacred feast ... And so, as you finish reading this post and go about your day, look deep into the mirror of your life... and sincerely give up the struggle, humbly give up the fight, tap out ... and Surrender to Love

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