When I first switched my diet to the 80/10/10 I found this website extremely helpful, it is called www.cronometer.com The 80/10/10 diet focuses on 80% carbohydrates 10% Fat 10% protein. The cronomter works by you entering all your daily food intake. When all the info has been inputted, it automatically calculates all of the percentages that have been eaten.
It is really beautifully done with graphs,pie charts and goal settings. On the 80.10.10 diet, the aim is normally to eat at least 3000 calories a day.
It is really beautifully done with graphs,pie charts and goal settings. On the 80.10.10 diet, the aim is normally to eat at least 3000 calories a day.

I know some people who eat around 6000 calories a day, based on a raw vegan plant based diet. Often people associate calories with weight gain, but in my experience on the 80.10.10 diet, this is not true. It seems the calories derived from plant based foods are used for pure energy and nutrition, and no excess weight is gained. my weight is 75kg at present, and it very rarely fluctuates. I am 5'11" in height. I exercise regular in the woods, to keep toned.
It is important on a raw vegan diet to keep the calories high or you may start to feel tired. This is were a lot people go wrong when switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet. They simply don't eat enough.
A typical day for me is to eat 3 meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Breakfast= 10 bananas and 10 dates smoothie = around 1200 calories
Lunch = 4 Mangoes, 6 oranges, glass of fresh orange juice = around 800 calories
Evening = Huge green salad, bunch of grapes,10 kiwis = around 1000
I also try to drink at least 3 litres of water a day. 1 litre gets washed down as soon as I wake up.
I always try be in bed by 10pm at the latest. When I go to bed at 9pm I wake up the next day feeling so rested. I normally wake up around 6am or 7am. I like to get at least 8 hours sleep. Since I worked in the Bar industry for all those years, I never got the benefits of an early night. I totally feel the difference when I get my early nights in now, I become much more productive the next day. Never underestimate the power of sleep.
Now that I have got my routine down, and I roughly know how many calories are in which foods, I do tend not to use the cronometer as much. I found it so vital in the beginning, because I could really keep track of my intake, and make sure I was eating enough food to sustain my body and mind for each day. I dip into the cronometer now and again just to see how my stats are doing.
Check it out http://www.cronometer.com/ ... If you need any help, then just e -mail me. and remember ... Fruits your friend, eat as much as you like.

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