So now, I zip forward 12 years, and I can't even estimate how many books I have read. I remember at one point I was reading 2 books a week, which by my standards was very impressive.
I now love books, and feel they all offer a gift and reveal insights to myself. Often, It happens that I need to make a decision about a certain something, and then, as if by magic, an answer which inspires me will seemingly pop out of the pages from the book that I am 'randomly' reading. This for me shows how our souls are constantly sending out 'messages' or 'prayers' to God and the Universe. The answers then come to us in 'mysterious' ways. Although, when we understand the power of prayer and intention, its then not so mysterious, but in fact magnificent and awe striking. The snag is, we are not always open to receive Gods gifts. We are actually receiving gifts constantly and we are normally throwing away Gods gifts constantly.
The reason for this is that we generally do not recognise what a gift from God is. I used to think of gifts as 'things' I wanted to have. So, I would pray 'Please God, send me some money' 'Please God, send me my perfect partner' 'please God, send me a Bentley sports car' 'Please God, send me a beach house' 'Please God, take this illness away' 'Please God, send me, send me, send me ...' I often felt like my prayers were not answered ... I would be sad, my bottom lip would turn, and It would confirm to me that there is no God.BUT ... What I failed to miss were the constant gifts that were being sent and giving to me. If God could speak he/she would of have been replying something like this 'Here you go Perry, that feeling you have about your passion to write, DO IT. 'Hey Perry, that feeling you have to exercise everyday, DO IT' 'Hey perry, that feeling you had to help that person 'DO IT' 'Hi Perry, that feeling you have to 'forgive' yourself 'DO IT' 'Perry, its me again, that feeling you have to talk to that guy over there 'DO IT' (he owns a Bentley and is giving it away because he has got so many) ' Hello Perry, are you giving thanks for that fresh organic fruit you are eating. if not 'DO IT' ' Perry,That man who just pushed in front of you, how did it make you FEEL ?,' Perry,that women who just got angry with you, how did it make you FEEL ? ' OK, so I hope you are catching me drift here... Firstly, 'God speaks to us about our gifts by OUR FEELINGS', and Secondly 'We must ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS appropriately to fully receive the gift being sent.
You see, I feel the greatest gift from God is the GIFT OF FREE WILL ... we get the choice to CHOOSE ! I believe when you act on your feelings, that's when you can fully engage in the gift of life, and receive all its glory. How many times have you gone against your feelings to act
and then afterwards felt the pain of not acting ? you just threw away a gift. By not acting on your feelings, you throw away the chance to make YOUR contribution to the world, which could make a huge difference for the better (or worse, depending how you choose to use your free will )
So, my message today is clearly ... ACT on your loving feelings. If you are too scared to act for any reason, then ACT and face that fear, for it will forever hold you back.
OK, back

Thanks for reading.
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