'Humility' ... for years I would hear this word, and for years, I didn't really know what it meant, and I probably still don't know the full extent of it's power and importance. I would often hear the expression "now you're eating humble pie" and so I hazarded a guess that it meant that ' I was doing something that I thought to be right, and then I was proven wrong'. In a way, maybe that could be an indication of the meaning. The English dictionary says ...
... '
ty ... noun
the quality or condition of being 'humble'; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc. ' ... I'm better/worse than nobody ... and nobody is better/worse than me.
Another way of looking at Humility is to say "We look at ourselves Truthfully, warts and all ". Humility is feeling and taking responsibility for ALL your emotions. You see, when we talk about 'looking' at ourselves, we tend to only want to see the 'good' bits right ? ...IT IS actually loving to acknowledge the good bits of our selves, HOWEVER... if we desire to 'continually grow' and become a better person, or become even more loving then we currently are, THEN ....we must also be humble enough to look at the 'Bad' bits about ourselves too.
When I say the 'Bad' bits, I mean the parts of us that are not 'Loving'. There are many examples of this, and the degree of being unloving vary greatly from person to person. For one person, being unloving may mean that they murder an other person, definitely not a loving act. To another person, being unloving may mean that they 'beat themselves up' and tell themselves that they are 'no good'. Both examples are unloving ... but in Who's eyes ??? May I suggest ...In the eyes of God, the Creator !
In the eyes of God we were ALL created in a 'pristine' condition of Love. And when God created us, all she desired was that we would Love ourselves as much as our creator herself Loves us, which is unconditional. This is when I think, 'If God created the the moon and the stars that are so awe-inspiring ... is it possible ... just possible, that I cannot at this stage of my life comprehend how much Love God has for me. If this is true, and... at this moment in time, I do not 'Love myself' with the exact same intensity as how God Loves me, then it is logically safe to say, that I am falling way short of the life that I was DESIGNED TO LIVE. And what happens when we start to live a life that we were not designed to live ?... Well, sometimes I may feel like I just want to go out and kill someone ... or, at other times, I may feel like beating myself up so badly that I become depressed, and worse, maybe I desire to kill myself... Would a Creator of something, create it in order for it to be destroyed ??? Would You create something with love, care and patience, and then want it to be destroyed ??? I don't think so ... but we do it others and ourselves all of the time !
So how do we stop these destructive cycles ? By being
Truthful and Humble, looking at ourselves, warts and all. We can only heal the bad (damaged) parts of ourselves when we Truthfully look at what it is that is damaged. If not, It would be like trying to fix a punctured inner tube on a bicycle without taking off the tyre to see where it has been punctured. When the hole has been found in the inner tube, then we can fix it. When we are humble enough to see where we are being unloving in our lives, then ...we can fix it !
The trouble is, like the wheel, we go about our lives wearing a 'tyre' to protect our 'inner tube'. Scared to death that we will get punctured ! Sometimes we are so scared about being
punctured, that we wear and build extra tyres around us to ensure that nothing gets through to damage our precious inner tube. Some tyres are now actually
manufactured to be a puncture proof, and that's what we do. We let nothing in.
It's good to be protected right ? Well yes ... and no. The trouble in this
scenario, is that God designed us to be able to show and express to the world our unique 'inner tube', because we all have different one. And now, because of the fear of being hurt, we have enclosed
ourselves with many layers of black, hard, rubber tyres, and nobody can see who we
Truly are ... and
that's a shame, because underneath all those layers is a ... 'Pristine' inner tube.
So ... if there is a God ... and, if God did create us ... and, if God does indeed Love us more than we can ever imagine ... and, if God does indeed desire us to realize that we can Love ourselves to same
intensity as she does ... Then we must be humble to feel all of our emotions ... We must be humble enough to hear the critic that talks to us and says 'we are not good enough' ... We must be humble enough to feel all the bad bits about ourself ... and we must be humble and brave enough to remove all of the hard tyres, and then expose ourselves with transparency. Show to the world our precious, thin, soft, flexible and expandable inner tube ... called Your Soul.
But how do I know when I am not being humble ? Well, do you ever get angry ? even a smidgen ? slight frustration ? grumpy ? judgemental ? Well, these are the signs that we are not being humble. In times like this, we must STOP what we are doing, then feel how we feel, (which could be anger or self judgement) ... and then ask ourselves "What is it inside of ME that is feeling angry about this situation" ... We have a tendency to straight away BLAME the other for making us angry, and this mi amigo is not being humble. If we carry on blaming others for how WE feel, then we will never grow and heal.
Being humble always asks the question, " what is it inside of me, that created this ..." When we are truly humble, and have processed all of our unloving emotions within us, there will come a point in our life, when we will never ever become angry about anything ever again. At this point, we will love ourselves with the same intensity as God loves us. And at this point, we will Love everybody, and everything in the universe, with the same intensity as we love ourselves. Now
wouldn't that be a great place to live.
When we can be Truly Humble ... then we can Truly Heal ... How Humble and True are you ? How willing are you to bare your strong side along with all of your warts to the world ? ( I will write in the future how we can process unloving emotions)
I love this clip from the film 'Phone booth'. It shows exactly what I mean about being humble. Enjoy. Remember, you can run ... but you can't hide ...for ever at least.