Lover's Electron Diet and way of Life
The Waking up to a new level of awareness of who you are, and what you are in relation to yourself, others and every other living organism in the world, is one way to describe the Lover's electron diet, and it's very basic to understand . When we eat a diet which is high in electrons, which we get when we consume at least 80% live raw food, then we are able to create and release endorphins, giving us the natural high feeling. This increases the flow of cosmic energy so that we may feel the love radiating from every cell in our body. The Lover's electron Diet suggests that we are able to live a life from the heart with love, and to be free from all addictions which bound us and block us from being in the flow of the natural rhythms of life. The Lover's electron diet will be activated within you spontaneously when you eat raw foods, excercise and meditate. although it may take some effort and preparation initially to make the shift which brings this new level of awareness. Once you are in the flow, the way of living will be of self creative expression, joy, compassion and Aliveness, with the feeling to create optimal health for yourself and others.

Stress in some ways could be seen to be the opposite of being in the flow, and stress also contributes to decreasing the levels of endorphins. Under stress it is not un common for people to find an addictive habit to counter the feeling of stress by increasing their endorphin levels with alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, sex and excessive exercise. Whilst they do increase the endorphin levels, research shows they also at the same time decrease other essential supportive neurotransmitters and natural opoids. By using such substances or activities to increase the endorphins in our body, in effect the body then stops being able to produce its own natural levels of endorphins and thus stress and depression are likely to increase and be the predominant feeling. This further encourages the individual to be engaged in addictive habits which bring an un natural false sense of love and joy. Happiness and love are then only found when engaging in the addictive behaviour, instead of emanating from within ones being in every moment of every day. When we live the 6 foundations, the natural level of endorphins are released, and the role of stress has its natural place of giving us a sense of urgency when needed, like in emergency situations or when we need to get things accomplished or go to work. A deficiency in endorphins can create the inability for one to give and receive love and we may suffer from " Mal illumination".
Sun Light
In the book Conscious Eating Gabriel Cousens writes that ' from a quantum physics point of view, Photons never become old, they have the same quickness as time', they are involved with anti entropy, the anti again process. The sun emits this powerful photon anti aging energy. The suns photon energy is attracted to the sun like electrons within our biological systems. So not only do the high electron foods donate electrons to our bodies, but they also act as solar resonance fields in the body to attract, store and conduct the sun's energy in our bodies. Light attracting Light. Minerals are frequencies of light, Live raw foods are packed with both electrons and minerals, and therefore light. When we eat these foods, we are in fact eating the light of the Sun and activating the light from within us which shines, radiates and attracts more light. The greater our store of light, the greater chances we have of increasing our electromagnetic field and consequently more energy is available for healing and the maintenance of optimal health.
It seems it would make sense for us to eat foods which are rich in this Light attracting force, in order for us attract more light into our bodies as discussed. The two highest food sources which are rich in this electron energy are flax seed and spirulina. Both these foods increase the amount of electron energy in the body. Eating with a protein source like bee pollen, the flax increases its electron cloud bonds and it is better absorbed in the body. Eating at least a 80% Live raw food, meditating, practicing prana building exercise, also increases this electron force. Spending at least 30 minutes a day naked in the suns warmth, absorbing all the suns rays is also beneficial

So the message is Love, the message is Light. Together we learn to LOVE LIGHT. Love and light are the UN SEEN forces of nutrition, although with awareness and through spiritual evolution, Love is uncovered by the Light, and the blind will SEE once more ~ Amen
Let's not forget to mention the receptor sites on every cell in the body. There is a perfect match for every receptor site that can only be gotten from Live Wild Foods straight from the plant. Truly Live Foods heal everything -)