After a two hour flight from Tucson to L.A. I had to wait for a two hour lay over until my next flight to Washington D.C..Five hours flying from L.A. which included a couple of nice in flight movies got me into Washington D.C. at 00:30 local time.So far so good, you might say ! Now comes the HIT... I had to wait in Washington D.C. airport for NINE hours until my connection flight to London was ready. If you have never had to wait in an airport over night for a connection flight, here is a quick insight to what it is like ... it's EMPTY. Not just empty, everything is closed. Actually it was not totally empty, there were the cleaners and one other guy sleeping across three chairs opposite to where I decided to slip in a quick yoga session.To cut a long story short,where do the 3 T TIPS come into play ?
Coming straight from the ' Tree Of life' rejuvenation centre to England forced me to experience the 3 T's !!!
1. Travelling
2. Transitioning
3. Temptations
As in life, one can only plan for so much, the Rest is up to you know who ! TIP NUMBER 1- Travelling all that way, I new that I would not find raw food kiosks by the plenty, if any at all. Back at the 'Tree', I packed my bag full of raw food goodies including a bottle of cold Brazil nut milk, which I had to drink before getting past security (We are the modern slaves). In L.A. I finished off eating all my fresh'ish by now salad box, full of greens and avocado. So there I am, a TRAVELLING RAW FOODIE walking my talk ..and feeling great ! Here comes the catch ...... I noticed I now had 9 hours to wait in Washington D.C. airport with a 7 hour flight pending, and my raw food supplies were GONE.. Ouch !
This is where TIP NUMBER 2 comes in - Transitioning! So I had to make a quick decision, do I fast from food all the way, or do I take the hit and eat what is available to buy in the airport, and bless it with lots of prayers. Other wise I may not eat for 16 hours or more, and I was already hungry. Well, I took the hit, a small sacrifice one might say ( I know, I know, Jesus would of fasted). Breaking my 100% raw food diet, was a little sad for me ( This is were Jesus would of forgiven me), but It reminded me of the TRANSITION period which a lot of Raw food aspirants will come across, and this is my advice ...... ITS OK, you will not die ( not just yet) and stop judging yourself, we can only do our best with what we have got and where we are at ! It is far better for your BEING to transition in PEACE than it is to FORCE yourself to eat 100% raw food a 100% of the time.
So, with that in mind, I purchased 3 'nutritional nut bars' which advertised 'Power and energy'. I read the label of course, and there was nothing powerful about it, apart from the packaging which attracted me, although I may have received some kind of energy from the bars, which I guess was mainly sugars. It can take around 2 years to fully transition from cooked foods to raw foods and even then you may well be lead into....
Tip number 3- Temptations ! - Back in London, I was transitioning quite well, getting used to the busyness and pollution. I was enjoyably engaged all day on my first day back and didn't really eat that much at all, and then I realized this is where TEMPTATION creeps in.
So this is my tip... Try not to go hungry, because it is really easy to eat a quick junk food snack to tide you over until your next meal,and before you know it, one junk food meal, leads to one junk food dessert, and your vibration starts to decrease and attract everything that is junk, your will power will decrease and then the dark side will use this opportunity to steal your shining light.
My temptation came in the form of a pizza restaurant. When you're hungry, smells of cooked food will really get your gastric juices flowing. I even had a bag full of greens in my bag ready to chop and eat, but it still didn't stop me looking at the menu, to see if they had any vegan options. Finally I shook my head, and pointed for home to prepare my raw meal, eating most of it whilst making it. After finishing my sushi and salad, washed down with sunflower seed milk with maca and apricot, I was one satisfied human being, beaming with light. I also felt really pleased for taking that little bit of extra effort, which in the end made all the difference to the strengthening of my will power, kicking temptation into touch, although I'm sure it wont be the last time temptation strikes. Although now from my concious experience, I have my 3 T tips as a guide and reminder, and success will be that much easier.
1.When travelling, plan a head and pack lots of your favourite raw food to avoid hunger.
2.Don't beat yourself up in the transition period, REMEMBER peace is the way.
3.Follow the first two tips and temptation will not be an issue.
Until next time,
- Perry
I like that you posted it in 3 steps - easy to follow! And oh mah gawsh, I was laughing the whole way through :) Love the sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteThank you Courtney ..... I'm pleased it made you smile, it means you will have less wrinkles when your older x