I have not blogged for a while because I have been a very busy boy indeed.. what with this and that and the other. Winter started to set in, the nights grew darker earlier, the mornings became cold and windy and then along came the snow, sorry to sound like the weather man or my Dad, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm still learning to function well in Winter. Next was Christmas, home with the family, back to my root shoots which was very nourishing. Shuttling up next was New Years Eve ... whoop whoop, I stayed home with my Mother and didn't do very much, not even a whistle passed my lips. The 1st of Jan was the beginning of 2011, and this time I started with a by becoming as clean as a whistle with a 7 day green juice fast which consisted of celery,cucumber, ginger and lemon ~ Even my Mother at 56 got on board too ~ Amazing ! she did the whole 7 days and she has never fasted before, and she had to work too, power to her Raw soul. I've been writing and studying lots for various things over the months which has taken up my time, which meant I had to jump off the blog train. Ive been deepening my understanding of raw food science, Essene studies, Bio dynamic gardening which includes the works of Rudolf Steiner, Anastasia books and planning workshops for this year .. phew ... OK, now that I have got that off my chest, I'd better post some stuff ... Because I have been busy writing for www.Gabrielcousens.com I am gonna post some of the latest articles that I have written on there which gives me some time recuperate and gives you the chance to learn something new maybe ... PeAcE and Happy New Year even though its the 24Th Jan x go celebrate x
I need to kick back and relax ...