A place to discover poetry and stories inspired by Gods Way of Love

Friday, May 28, 2010

Flower Power

Hmmmmmmmmm where have I been ? here there and everywhere, up in the sky and far away, so now I'm back ...... feet in the soil, and hanging out with the flowers... eerrr Flowers ???

Moving into my new job and home, and basically moving into a whole new area of my life, once again I have been up rooted. It has taken me some time to adjust to my new arena, which made me think I was going a little crazy, BUT its all cool,' MY ASTROLOGER' told me it is all to do with Pluto and the Moon in my birth chart..... they are having deep dialogues about my life, although for me it feels like they are arguing and taken their time about it .... SO I just have to let it ride... and scream for HELP.

Well, I silently asked for help to the big man up stairs, and he sent a rescue team in the form of flower essences. The thought came in to my mind like this 'Ah, maybe flower essences could help me in this sticky situation, although, where would I get some from ?' ..... AND THEN .. a day later, I see a poster in big colours saying "Flower essence workshop, Tonight". If that was not God knocking at my door, then I am actually going crazy. SO yes of course, I went along to the event, to see what this was all about. It turned out that there were only two of us attending, so we both got some really great personal time with the instructors.

Now then, how do these flower essences work ?

Basically, each and every flower (along with everything else that exists) has a certain vibration in its being. In the 1930 Dr Bach discovered that each flower actually has a healing vibration which will help disharmony in human beings. He was very sensitive to these energies and tested them on his self and found the qualities to be true. They can help with anything from transitioning, to raising self esteem, depression, heart opening, muscle tension, relationship problems, nervousness, concentration, healing the past, staying present, period pains ......... the list goes on and on. The remedies are in tincture form and sold in little bottles. Each bottle of flower essence is highly concentrated with its the particular essence. It is diluted in water and preserved with a little alcohol, normally brandy or vodka. All that is required is to drop about 4 droplets of the remedy under your tongue 4 times a day, or as the specialist will prescribe...and that's it ... you then just let nature take its course.

So which did I choose ? There were around 100 different essences to choose from and 3 three different brands, all having lots of great benefits. I was advised to let my intuition guide me, by tracing my hand over the bottles and seeing which one I was attracted too... 'Really' I thought ! ... so i did. "Cow parsley !!!"......"no way!", I don't want to take anything to do with cow's I thought, as I randomly picked my first essence. OK, well let me see what it says in the book about it I mumbled to myself ... it went something like this... ' Cow parsnip essence is perfect for the person who is in transition in ones life, either moving place, house or new job. It helps people ground their roots when they have been travelling around from country to country, place to place !!! I paused, looked left, then right and then looked up and smiled, then grinned, then laughed. It was the perfect remedy for me, having just moved from the Arizona desert to the English countryside, moving into a new house and a new job, and plus having the whole Pluto/Moon thing going on ..... 'well how ironic' I thought ... there we have a Raw food vegan choosing ' Cow parsley' to help smooth out some bumps... good job Cow parsley is a beautiful white flower like satellites growing on a long stalk, which grows along the side of fields, in which I guess cow's like to chomp on given it's name, as I'm pretty sure it is not a type of cow. I intuitively picked four more essences, and all equally matched how I had been feeling lately. I gave my essences to the practitioner, who then diluted the five flowers into my little take away bottle.

A sculpted glass water fountain is displayed at the Chelsea Flower Show in London

And the Results ???

Holy Cow .... It worked ! Before I went to bed that night, I squeezed 4 droplets under my tongue and went to sleep. I had a dream of a fairy fluttering in the sky bringing me flowers as gifts. Then I woke up at 04:30am WIDE AWAKE feeling fresh as a daisy. My body felt really relaxed, as my muscles had felt stiff lately for some reason upon awakening, and it was like ' Oh, that's how I feel when I'm in shape, I forgot'. My mind felt really clear and sharp and I was really excited to go to work in the garden. My being felt really light and I felt really connected to myself, not off travelling somewhere. Could this be true ? so soon I thought. Well, I hadn't done anything differently apart from take this flower essence..... Abracadabra !
I have a month's supply, so I cant wait to see how I will be feeling through June. My Pluto/Moon story does not end until the end 2010 apparently, so I'm gonna discover what other remedies they have in store. check out http://www.blogger.com/type http://alaskanessences.com/

So .... here is to Flower Power ...... Peace Maaaaan x

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Come What May .....

Oh my, what an amazing three days I just experienced. With love, I joined in the with my new local tribes in an epic festival, celebrating ' Beltane' (I wouldn't recommend the food recipes on this site, although the explanation for the rituals are sound and resonate with me). The festival was called ' Wild Heart ' and we danced, shared stories and whispered poems of love around camp fires until the early morn. The scenery looked like that from the movie ' Brave heart' and it also had that ancient sacred feeling to it. The energy was created to rejuvenate the healing powers of the long lost ' Village ' community.

People came to teach and share different topics, all related in some way to the importance of civilization reconnecting with Mother earth, your home land. My heart couldn't help but open to the inspiration and possibilities of a new world. It reminded me very much of the series of books I have been deeply touched by called ' The Ringing Ceders' or more commonly known as ' Anastasia'. Not only do I recommend that you read these books .... but I INSIST that you read these books, for within them lay information which may change your life, and that of your children, and that of your children's children. These books will also ignite and re kindle your desire for love and will show you the reflection of how we relate to our sacred relationships, family, friends and even business .... nothing is left out ! . They hold the potential to awaken your true self and inspire you to be creative in ways that you never knew were possible.....

So, with that in mind, I feel that in those three days, I just experienced those books and their teachings, right here and now in this physical dimension, helping me to believe that such ways of living are totally possible .........its true ........ and its already happening .... !!!!!

The weather was harsh, raining and forceful winds whipped up tents, with the sun smiling now and then. These conditions out there in the open Fields, drew me back repeatedly to the ' Raw Food Tent' selling nutritional warming herbal teas mixed with super foods to give them that high vibrational kick, which was needed to heat up the body and restore the vigour in such weather conditions.........

and here is the simple drink which put the fire in my eyes on those cold days ..

2 tea spoons of Cacao
2 tea spoons of Mesquite
1 teaspoon of Maca
Dash of Cinnamon
Dash of Star anise
Dash of Cardamon
Dash of cayenne pepper
1 cup of warm water

mix in your favourite drinking vessel and feel the strength rise in you.

Back to work today in my glorious garden, it was another cold day, so I carried a jar of the same concoction as described above in my bag to sip on when feeling fatigued, and it worked a treat.

With fire in my heart, I wish you all Love and divine inspiration, and may we all connect back to our Mother land.

Butte Lighting Fires In Northern California Grow To Force Evacuations